- The Physics of the Accelerating Universe Camera: PAUCam (C.Padilla, F.J.Castander et al.) 2019, AJ, 157, 246
- Characterization and performance of PAUCam filters (R.Casas, L.Cardiel-Sas, F.J.Castander et al.) 2016, PSPIE, 9908, 99084K
- The PAUCam readout electronics system (J.Jiménez, J.M. Illa et al.) Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9908, id. 99084J 7 pp. (2016)
- The PAU camera carbon fiber cryostat and filter interchange system (L.Lopez, C.Padilla, L.Cardiel-Sas et al.) 2016, PSPIE, 9908, 99084G
- The PAU camera at the WHT (C.Padilla, O.Ballester, L.Cardiel-Sas et al.) 2016, PSPIE, 9908, 99080Z https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.03623
- Testing fully depleted CCD (R.Casas, L.Cardiel-Sas, F.J.Castander, J.Jiménez, J.de Vicente) 2014SPIE.9147E..2RC
- PAU, a fully depleted mosaic imager with narrow band filters (A.Bauer, R.Casas, F.Castander, S.Serrano) Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 9, Issue 03, article id. C03039 (2014)
- The PAUCam readout electronics, integration and test (AIT) (J.Jiménez, J.M.Illa et al.) Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9147, id. 91474Q 10 pp. (2014)
- The PAU camera and the PAU survey at the William Herschel Telescope (F.J.Castander, O.Ballester et al.) 2012SPIE.8446E..6DC
- Architecture of PAU survey camera readout electronics (J.Castilla, L.Cardiel-Sas, J.de Vicente, J.Illa, J.Jimenez; M.Maiorino, G.Martinez) 2012SPIE.8453E..2PC
- PAU camera: detectors characterization (R.Casas et al.) 2012SPIE.8453E..26C
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