Pablo Renard &  Santiago Serrano, 

PAUdm Project Managers

Institute of Space Sciences (IEEC-CSIC) & Tsinghua University

Francisco Castander PAUcam Project scientist ICE-CSIC
Francisco Castander
PAUcam Project Scientist

Institute of Space Sciences (IEEC-CSIC)

Cristobal Padilla
PAUcam Instrument Scientist

IFAE – Website

Enrique Fernández PAUCam Team CoordinatorIFAE
Enrique Fernández
PAUCam Team Coordinator

IFAE – Website

Enrique Gaztañaga ICE representative, PAU Survey Director ICE-CSIC
Enrique Gaztañaga
PAU Survey Director
Institute of Space Sciences (IEEC-CSIC) & ICG, Porthsmouth, UK
Ramon Miquel IFAE representative IFAE
Ramon Miquel
IFAE representative

IFAE – Website

Manuel Delfino PIC representativePIC
Manuel Delfino
PIC representative

PIC – Website

Henk Hoekstra Leiden representative Leiden
Henk Hoekstra
Leiden representative

Leiden- Website

Benjamin Joachimi
Benjamin Joachimi
UCL representative

IFAE – Website

Peder Norberg Durham representative Durham
Peder Norberg
Durham representative

Durham – Website

Alexandre Refregier Zürich representative
Alexandre Refregier
Zürich representative

ETH Zürich – Website

Juan García-Bellido UAM/IFT representative UAM-IFT
Juan García-Bellido
UAM/IFT representative

UAM-IFT – Website

Eusebio Sanchez CIEMAT representative CIEMAT
Eusebio Sanchez
CIEMAT representative

CIEMAT – Website

Adam Amara
Porthsmouth, UK representative

Porthsmouth, UK – Website

Hendrik Hildebrandt
University of Bonn representative

Ruhr-Universität Bochum – Website