PAU Survey

new publication – The PAU Survey: a forward modeling approach for narrow-band imaging

by PAU Survey

Calibration Spectra in Commissioning

by PAU Survey

Blue Circles= SDSS g,r,i broad band (model magnitudes) Squares= PAU narrow bands (preliminary/incomplete) Continuous line= SDSS spec (raw, filtered to PAU narrow bands) Dashed line (with shaded errors)= SDSS spec scaled to match PAU


This is a sample sequence of (preliminary/incomplete) PAU data taken during last night of commissioning in June 2015. Here we compare the PAU Narrow Band measurements with SDSS Spectra to validate the camera and data reduction.

This a first pass. There is room for improvement/optimization in the data reduction processing/calibration to eliminate some remaining outliers. However the spectro-photometric system of PAU seems to behave as expected.

PAUCam commissioning and first light

by PAU Survey
PAUCam commissioning and first light

Galaxy M51, known as the Whirlpool galaxy, situated at about 23 million light years from Earth. (Image acquired June 6th, 2015)

Galaxia M51, conocida como la galaxia del remolino, situada a unos 23 millones de años luz de la Tierra. (imagen captada el 6 de junio de 2015)